Types Of Firefighting Foam

Firefighting foam works by smothering the fire, breaking the chain reaction of the fire triangle, and cooling the fire to prevent re-ignition. There are several different types of firefighting foam, each with its own unique properties and applications. This article will take a closer look at the different types of firefighting foam. Aqueous Film-Forming Foam Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) is a synthetic foam that forms a thin layer of foam on the surface of flammable liquids. Read More 

Should You Go To An Urgent Care Clinic?

Emergency services are vital. They can provide people with immediate medical care in emergency situations. However, a trip to the emergency room might not always be the best option. When you need prompt medical assistance but you aren't experiencing a life-threatening condition, an urgent care clinic may better suit your needs. Urgent care clinics treat patients on a walk-in basis. Here are four reasons to go to an urgent care clinic: Read More 

Issues That Can Be Addressed At A Walk-In Medical Clinic

While some medical issues cannot wait to be dealt with in a few days, when your regular doctor's office has an opening in their schedule, they might not be urgent enough for the hospital's emergency room. By knowing what issues would be best addressed at the walk-in medical clinic, you will know when to go and what to expect. You do not want to wait any longer than you have to when it comes to keeping yourself as healthy as possible. Read More 

The 3 Considerations To Keep In Mind When Choosing Between The Emergency Room And A Walk-In Clinic

If you develop a serious medical problem after hours when your regular medical doctor's office is closed, then it's all on you to decide what you should do. Should you wait until they reopen? Should you go to the emergency room? Should you instead go to a walk-in urgent care clinic?  Since everyone is different and every situation has its own set of factors, no one can give you a solid answer to the questions. Read More 

Basic First Aid Advice

You should make sure you are familiar with basic first aid procedures in case you are ever in the position where you or someone near you gets injured. By knowing how to take care of certain minor injuries you can take control of the situation and make sure the wound is well-cared for until the injured party can get in to an urgent care facility for professional treatment. The article below will educate you on basic first aid techniques. Read More